Saturday, February 18, 2012

First Road Race

Outside of my high school cross-country days, my first official road race was the Fans on the Field 5k in Denver, Colorado 2006.  This race was such a struggle for me because in addition to being out of shape, I was living at an increased altitude of 5280ft.  I had no idea altitude would have such a huge impact on my exercising ... I could not even complete a mile.  And in conjunction with this, I was constantly dehydrated.  It seemed like I was drinking liters of water but that still was not enough.  I think it took about 3 months to get to an acceptable running pace (a pace that I was still not proud of).  I knew that I would have to set a running goal in order to better my running and that's when I decided to join my husband in my first road race -- because I knew my running would not improve if I did not have something to work toward. 

It was a neat race because the last lap was running the CO Rockies baseball field.  If I remember correctly I think it took me about 37 minutes to run the race.  I know that's not a terrible pace but there was obviously a lot of need for improvement. 

Any who, after running the race I quickly came down with the racing bug.  I loved how I felt after finishing a race (the feeling was completely different than when I finished a race in high school).  I could not wait to register for another one and better my time.

Needless to say, the rest is history.  After several 5ks, 10 milers, and five half marathons, on September 22, 2012 I will be running my first marathon.  Although I am completely stoked to endure everything that goes along with completing a marathon, obviously I am extremely nervous.  I am constantly thinking: What if I do not train enough? What if I train too much?  Will my legs be able to make it through? What if my anxiety gets the best of me and I fail?  These questions and so many more are constantly running through my head.  I know everything will be okay, and I will finish the race but there is always that what if?  

I have set a goal for myself to finish in 4 hours or less and damn it, I am going to hit that goal.  My thoughts are if you set a goal you need to reach it because otherwise there is no point in setting them.

Anyway ... the training continues.  It's time to lace up the sneaks and hit the pavement for an easy 10 miler this morning.


  1. An easy 10 miler?!? I just reached 2 miles/ 30 min and that was a huge accomplishment for me... I can't even imagine 10 miles BUT it's something that I want for myself. You were right, once you start running it is hard to stop and I am HOOKED.

    I will be running my first 5k at the Cherry Creek Sneak and I'm so scared and nervous. I'm not concerned about my pace just yet, my goal is just to be able to run the race and finish.

    Your words are motivating and they challenge me. Thank you!


  2. I'm doing the Sneak as well, Erin! We'll definitely have to meet up. I'm not sure if our races are at the same time, but I will check.
